On-Water Pass – get on the water at RFBYC
On-Water Pass
We are proud to be one of the many clubs in Australia to offer SailPass, we refer to it as an On-Water Pass because we use this system to cover other activities at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club. The system is used by people who are not yet members of the club but would like to test the waters before they dive in.
An On-Water Pass gives access to try keelboat sailing, dinghy sailing, St Ayles Skiff rowing and Power Time Trialling.
When you sign up for an On-Water Pass you are registered with the sports peak body Australian Sailing, giving you access to their personal accident insurance whilst participating in any club event. For more information regarding the insurance, please visit the Australian Sailing website.
There is no cost involved in taking out a pass at RFBYC.
We are proud to be one of the many clubs in Australia to offer SailPass, we refer to it as an On-Water Pass because we use this system to cover other activities at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club. The system is used by people who are not yet members of the club but would like to test the waters before they dive in.
An On-Water Pass gives access to try keelboat sailing, dinghy sailing, St Ayles Skiff rowing and Power Time Trialling.
When you sign up for an On-Water Pass you are registered with the sports peak body Australian Sailing, giving you access to their personal accident insurance whilst participating in any club event. For more information regarding the insurance, please visit the Australian Sailing website.
There is no cost involved in taking out a pass at RFBYC.

How to get on the water with us:
Take a look at the Club Calendar to see what’s happening on the water.
You can find more information about keelboat sailing, power time trialling, dinghy sailing and rowing under the On Water menu.
To register as a SailPass guest for keelboat sailing:
You can find more information about keelboat sailing, power time trialling, dinghy sailing and rowing under the On Water menu.
To register as a SailPass guest for keelboat sailing:
- go to MyRFBYC on the club website (blue button at the top of any page).
- scroll down to the guest registration section and register for a SailPass (Guest Registration). You will receive login details by email for future course bookings or other guest registrations with RFBYC.
- there is nothing more you need to do to be signed on for the boating activity.
- your skipper will search for your name (FIRST NAME search) and add you to their crew during their Crew Sign-on procedure using MyRFBYC.