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Little Tackers – an introduction to sailing in the Optimist sailing boat


Ideal for 6 year olds – Introduction to sailing

A fun introduction to sailing for young children. Sessions are conducted in safe, sheltered waters in front of the Clubhouse. Course covers rigging an Optimist, tying basic knots, games and hands-on sailing in shallow water.

Prerequisite: No sailing experience is necessary. Some ability to swim would be preferable, however they will be wearing lifejackets at all times. In the first session, the instructors supervise the group in a 25m swim with their lifejackets on. Parents/guardians are encouraged to talk to the Tackers Centre Leader or the Tackers Instructor if they have any concerns (buoyancy vest supplied).

Cost: Non-member $460, Junior Member $400 – both prices inclusive of GST (for 20 hour program)

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Little Tackers Upcoming Courses

Upcoming courses

Little Tackers

Week 1 School Holidays

Tuesday 24th September to Friday 27th September

08:00 to 13:00


Little Tackers

Week 2 School Holidays

Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October

08:00 to 12:00


Little Tackers

5 x Sundays

27 October 08:00 - 12:00
3 November 08:00 - 12:00
10 November 08:00 - 12:00
17 November 08:00 - 12:00
24 November 08:00 - 12:00


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Registering for a course:

Please use the links to the information pages above to choose the right course for your child. A full list of available course dates is shown on the page. If you know which course you would like to enrol in you can also choose from the upcoming courses below.


To make a course booking, please use the ‘enrol now’ button to go to the registration page. This will take you to an Australian Sailing (AS) registration page. Australian Sailing is the national body for the sport. RFBYC is a registered Australian Sailing Training Centre.

You will need to know the Australian Sailing (AS) number of the sailor in order to register or you can create one for a new sailor. This becomes your childs unique identifier and stores their course information for future reference which can be accessed by your registered club and yourself. It is important that the AS number is created for the person doing the course with their own name and details, this number stays with them for their lifetime journey in sailing.