Pen Application Form
Please complete the form below to apply for a pen at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club.
Before submitting the form, please note the following rules/by-laws pertaining to keeping a boat at the Club:
Members seeking consideration for the allocation of a pen in the marina shall have the vessel in question entered on the Club Register of Vessels and pay the appropriate fee.
INDEMNITY (By-law 8.4.3)
By-laws of the Club provide that should the Member be responsible for locating any vessel not wholly owned by the Member in or on the Club’s facilities, the Member shall indemnify the Club against all actions, damages, costs and expenses to which the Club may become liable in respect of any loss or damage to property or injury to persons arising wholly or in part by the location of such vessel in or on the Club’s premises. Vessels may not occupy a Marina pen until it has been registered by the Committee.
Bylaws of the Club provide that Members who own vessels occupying a pen in the Marina are expected to participate in Club activities that are practical for and commensurate with their type of vessel to warrant continued pen occupancy. The activity level is to be based on the participation level of similar type, size or design of vessels in Club events programmed or rostered for that type of vessel.
Vessels occupying a pen in the Marina (where appropriate for the type of vessel) will be rostered for Sailing Rescue and Support duties/Power Yacht Check Point duties. Vessels participating in other Club programmed events may be excused from rostered activities providing minimum participation standards, as determined by the Committee are met.
The initial allocation of pens will be “Provisional” for a period of 12 months. Retention thereafter to be determined from time to time by the Committee and subject to participation and support levels established by the Committee and having regard to the following criteria.
- The boat owner’s period of membership.
- The boat’s participation in programmed Club events.
- The boat owner’s participation in and support for the Club activities and administration.
- The boat owner’s support for, and use of, Club services such as fuel purchases, bar and catering, Club and member social functions.
- The boat owner’s maintenance of his boat in accordance with Club Marina Compliance By-laws.
Applications are assessed against the eligibility criteria as set down in the Club Rules and By-laws.
Kindly answer the questions in the form to the best of your ability and answer as accurately as possible. If there are circumstances that should be taken into account, please detail them. For instance, if you’re not currently active in Club participation but were highly active 10 years ago, this may be taken into account.
In submitting the form below, you declare and agree :
- that the particulars completed in the form below are correct.
- that you have read and acknowledge all of the aforesaid.
- that you will promptly notify the Club of any change in particulars relating to the vessel, including that you will participate in Club events undertaken to support.
- that you will maintain the vessel in the condition required under the Club’s Marina By-laws.
- that retention of a pen if allocated shall be subject to observing the aforesaid requirements and participation in Club activities to the extent determined from time to time by the Committee